Today I woke up and decided to feel good. Then that voice, the so-called voice of reason, said, “You've got to be kidding. Do you realize what you have to do today? Do you realize that this is going on in your life? Do you realize that you have to talk with this person today? Do you realize this person is in pain today? Do you realize (fill in the blank)?”
I answered the voice back, (I have some of the best conversations with myself), “Yes, I do realize that all of that stuff is going on (I respect the illusion) and it may be my immediate experience. I acknowledge that. And yet, I choose not to worry about it.”
I am not putting my head in the sand - avoidance is a form of fear. When I am in a state of worry, fear, shame or doubt, I feel like crap. I realize that all the crappy feelings make it harder for me to hear my Higher Self. It makes it harder to hear the
soulution, which could be something as simple as Peace. So, today I choose to feel good and I use the two things that help me to do it, prayer and music.
And so I look away from what I see with my physical eyes and I look with the eyes of Spirit. I pray:
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be as God in this prayer.
God is all that there is.
I am one with God.
So in this state of awareness, of Union I realize that everything is perfect.
I realize that in God there is perfection.
In God there is peace
In God there is the simplicity and beauty of life.
And I choose on this day to dwell in God.
I choose to look upon each experience with the eyes of God
I choose to listen and hear each sound with the ears of God.
I choose to express with the words of God.
I choose to feel good and feel connected with my Source with my goodness, with God.
So I release anything that doesn’t feel good to my heart.
I let go of worry, doubt and fear and allow my Self, my Higher Self to speak.
I am eternally grateful for this day.
I am eternally grateful for this goodness.
I am grateful.
I feel good.
And so it is.
All is well.