How can I receive when I walk around with my guards up or my arms pushing my good away. Many of us walk around with our guards up, energetically. I see it when someone offers to help me, and my "independent spirit" says, "No, thank you. I've got it." I noticed it a lot at Thanksgiving when the offer to help family with different tasks were rejected because they didn't want "to be any trouble." They would do it themselves. I have noticed myself refusing to be helped in the simplest of tasks. "No, thank you. I've got this." Sometimes, this "independent spirit" denies a person to give a blessing and denies a person to receive the blessing. It's time to put our guards down. It is time to allow Love to come to us in its variety of forms. The very thing we try to block is the very thing we fear. Let that fear go and the blocks are gone. Open up and allow God to flow through you, to express through and as you, today. Receive. Be receptive. Be open. Breathe...
Today, I am open and receptive to receiving my good in Joy!